loading spinner
Technical Requirements

Requirements to Interactive Banners

Interactive banner is a banner with several buttons and links for transitions, a banner with non-clickable areas, a banner with animation that works when the cursor is hovered over it, etc.

Banner with non-clickable area:

1. The banner should represent a ZIP archive containing all files necessary for banner operation. Libraries in item 6 are exception.

2. Size of ZIP archive should not exceed 150 Kb.
Limitation on the file size of files within archive:
html, js, jpeg, png, gif — 600 Kb;
other file formats — 600 Kb.
Limitations are checked separately for each component of the banner.

3. It is imperative that all banner files are in the same folder as the main HTML file. I.e., there should not be additional folders for images or js-files.

4. The name of the main file should be index.html and it should be the only HTML file in the archive.

5. For the file name, only Latin letters, digits and underscore are allowed.

6. It is forbidden to access external resources, except for links to some of the basic libraries included in the HTML5 development tools, such as:

  • //code.createjs.com/createjs-*.min.js (Adobe Edge Animate)
  • //www.gstatic.com/swiffy/v*/runtime.js (Swiffy)
  • //s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/Enabler.js (Google Web Designer)
  • //code.jquery.com/jquery-*.min.js (jQuery)
  • //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.18.2/TweenMax.min.js (GreenSock)

The rest of the libraries should be located in the archive together with all components of the banner.

7. The banner must contain a size meta tag in the <head> tag. Example for the 300x250 format:

<meta name="ad.size" content="width=300,height=250">

8. Before adding a code for click processing (see item 9) the banner should NOT contain click events processing for events causing transition or opening new windows. If a banner contains processing of click events from other systems then after loading the banner into the system, several windows will open upon clicking.

9. To account clicks and follow the link specified in the system when HTML banner has been loaded it is necessary to register following code in the index.html file:

  • 1) After the closing </title> tag include the html.js file:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="//content.adriver.ru/html.js"></script>
  • 2) Add the onclick attribute with all of the ar_callLinkWithPixel function to the banner area that should be clickable. Function call can be performed for any tag in the banner code. Example:

    <div onclick="ar_callLinkWithPixel(ar_pass);">Clickable area</div>

10. When using a counter (pixel) of a third-party system it is necessary to register it in the index.html file before the closing </body> tag:

<script type="text/javascript">ar_sendPixel('counter');></script>

where counter is a viewing link of a third-party system without a protocol, starting with two slashes //. The third-party parameter to protect against caching should be replaced by ![rnd].

Counters of following systems are allowed to be used:

  • TNS
  • Turbine
  • Weborama
  • Sizmek
  • Gemius
  • Сomscore
  • Ad Doubleclick
  • AdFox
  • Adloox
  • MOAT
  • Other systems — as agreed.

Our DSP is integrated with AdRiver, so to eliminate double verification, AdRiver codes and pixels are not accepted. Your advertising campaigns are delegated from the DSP to your AdRiver account. This way, all statistics on the DSP campaign in your AdRiver account becomes available.

11. Banner must have visible borders. If banner background is sole-colored, partially black, partially white, has a transparent background or has such frames, the banner should be enclosed in a frame contrasting to the basic background.

To load interactive banners into the system use the HTML-generic type.

Banner with several links for transition:

1. The banner should represent a ZIP archive containing all files necessary for banner operation. Libraries in item 6 are exception.

2. Size of ZIP archive should not exceed 150 Kb.
Limitation on the file size of files within archive:
html, js, jpeg, png, gif — 600 Kb;
other file formats — 600 Kb.
Limitations are checked separately for each component of the banner.

3. It is imperative that all banner files are in the same folder as the main HTML file. I.e., there should not be additional folders for images or js-files.

4. The name of the main file should be index.html and it should be the only HTML file in the archive.

5. For the file name, only Latin letters, digits and underscore are allowed.

6. It is forbidden to access external resources, except for links to some of the basic libraries included in the HTML5 development tools, such as:

  • //code.createjs.com/createjs-*.min.js (Adobe Edge Animate)
  • //www.gstatic.com/swiffy/v*/runtime.js (Swiffy)
  • //s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/Enabler.js (Google Web Designer)
  • //code.jquery.com/jquery-*.min.js (jQuery)
  • //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.18.2/TweenMax.min.js (GreenSock)

The rest of the libraries should be located in the archive together with all components of the banner.

7. The banner must contain a size meta tag in the tag <head>. Example for the 300x250 format:

<meta name="ad.size" content="width=300,height=250">

8. Before adding a code for click processing (see item 9) the banner should NOT contain click events processing for events causing transition or opening new windows. If a banner contains processing of click events from other systems then after loading the banner into the system, several windows will open upon clicking.

9. To account clicks and follow the link specified in the system when HTML banner has been loaded it is necessary to register following code in the index.html file:

  • 1) After the closing </title> tag include the html.js file:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//content.adriver.ru/html.js"></script></script>
  • 2) To account clicks and follow the link specified in the system when loading a banner, use the ar_callLinkWithPixel function. Add the onclick attribute with the function call to the first clickable area of the banner (for example, entire banner area except for “Register” button). Function call can be performed for any tag in the banner code. Example:
    <div onclick="return ar_callLinkWithPixel(ar_pass);">Clickable area</div>
  • 3) To account clicks and followg a link other than specified in the interface, the “other” parameter can be transferred to the ar_callLinkWithPixel function, which parameter contains alternate address of transition. Add the onclick attribute with the function call and “other” parameter to the second clickable area of the banner (for example, “Register” button). Function call can be performed for any tag in the banner code.
    <div onclick="return ar_callLinkWithPixel(ar_pass, {other: '//ya.ru'});"></div> Button </div>
  • 4) If the banner has more than two clickable areas then repeat step 3) to account clicks and make transitions via other buttons. Number of buttons is unrestricted.

10. When using a counter (pixel) of a third-party system it is necessary to register it in the index.html file before the closing </body> tag:

<script type="text/javascript">ar_sendPixel('counter');></script>
where counter is a viewing link of a third-party system without a protocol, starting with two slashes //. The third-party parameter to protect against caching should be replaced by ![rnd].
Counters of following systems are allowed to be used:

  • TNS
  • Turbine
  • Weborama
  • Sizmek
  • Gemius
  • Сomscore
  • Ad Doubleclick
  • AdFox
  • Adloox
  • MOAT
  • Other systems — as agreed.

Our DSP is integrated with AdRiver, so to eliminate double verification, AdRiver codes and pixels are not accepted. Your advertising campaigns are delegated from the DSP to your AdRiver account. This way, all statistics on the DSP campaign in your AdRiver account becomes available.

11. Banner must have visible borders. If banner background is sole-colored, partially black, partially white, has transparent background or has such frames, the banner should be enclosed in a frame contrasting to the basic background.

To load interactive banners into the system use the HTML-generic type.